Juice Detox: How To Do Juice Detox And What Are Its Benefits

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Juice detox – before I talk about it, let me give you an idea of today’s life and eating habits.

Obesity is one of the most common issues today, especially with the nature of life we’re living these days.

There’s much less room for natural food and remedies. And there’s too much “artificial”, “synthetic” and “fast food” stuff around us. This has enormously changed our eating habits, and even living habits.

An unwanted and unhealthy by product of this living style is “obesity” or being overweight.

There are various ways that people usually adopt to lose that unwanted weight. One of the most effective and most natural ways is juice detox.

How to do Juice detox and detoxify your body?

Juice detox is nothing but being on a fast for a certain number of days ranging from 2 to 10 days.

During this period any other kind of food is totally avoided and only freshly pressed juice (and water) are consumed.

If you are on a juice detox diet you need to only consume fresh juice and/or water for the number of days you’re on the diet and the quantity can be up to 2-3 pints a day.

The whole point of juice detox is to detoxify your body; that is, to get rid of the toxins from your body.

But the cool by product of this whole process is that you can lose a good amount of weight too!

The juices you consume can be made of fresh juices, vegetables, greens and/or water.

It is indeed good to have a variety of juices to avoid boredom during the juice detox period.

Since you are not consuming any other food items, it is important that you do not get into the privilege of adding more sugar as a sweetener in your juice.

If you can consume some of the juices without any sugar at all, it’ll be so great (coz, most fruits have a natural taste and don’t need sugar to be added anyway).

However if you absolutely need to add sugar (in case of vegetable juices or other fruits that don’t taste very good) make sure you add lesser amount of sugar.

So what are the benefits of juice detox?

  1. As the name “juice detox” explains itself, being on a juice detox will help eliminate (flush) the toxins from your body.
  2. Inclusion of fresh fruits and vegetables will naturally boost your immune system.
  3. You can sleep tight.
  4. You probably know that most fruits are associated with skin care and beauty. Without any doubt, being on a juice detox program can improve the texture of your skin, make it clear and can also eliminate aging effects (if you take up juice detox sessions quite often, regularly).
  5. Ironically, even though you don’t consume solid tight food, after a juice detox session you will find your energy levels to be elevated actually.
  6. And probably the most interesting stuff for you could be this – juice detox aids in weight loss, very effectively.
  7. Juice detox program is also known to deal diplomatically with your chronic issues.

Really, it is no big deal.

A few notes on Juice detox

Make sure you juice fast for a number of days you can manage. Do not exert yourself. Do not be on a fast for more days and make yourself faint.

In particular, you have to start with fasting for 24-48 hours and not more than that; that is, if you’re doing juice detox for the first time, don’t go for a 5 or 10 day fast right up!

You’ll only do harm and you might totally stop liking the idea of juice detox.

Start slow and get used to the program. Once you have mastered yourself you can increase the number of days you’re on a fast.

In general, it is good to fast once or twice a week for one day, rather than fasting for 4 or 5 days in consequence.

And, remember to include at least one juice element in your daily diet even on days when you’re note on juice detox.

Juice detox: Takeaway

Juice detox is one of the most wonderful ways to flush the toxins out of your body and YES, to lose weight.

If you go on juice detox in a regular fashion you can visualize great and obvious results in your scale.

Juice detox will help you look beautiful on the outside (skin, eyes, good figure etc.) and will make you healthy on the inside (getting rid of the toxins, dealing with chronic issues etc.).

And to be on a juice detox program, you don’t need a big budget unlike for other weight loss programs.

And unlike other crash diet programs, you don’t do any harm to your health by being on a juice detox program; you only do great good!

So ya get into juice detox and enjoy the benefits!

This post was last modified on May 29, 2020 8:25 AM

Jane Sheeba: I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm the Associate Editor at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.
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