My quick Apple Peel + Tomato Face Mask Recipe

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Last week my kid ate an apple. I usually peel off the skin for dark red apples because its skin is usually harder for the kid to chew and digest. And, I usually peel off the skin into the bin.

Are apple skins good for you? Absolutely. There is a significant portion of nutritional value in the apple peel.

I don’t peel the skin off all apples. I do so only when the kid eats dark red apples whose skin are pretty rough.

It occurred to me that day that I could make some use of the apple skin and so I decided to peeled the skin into a small bowl.

I quickly made a face mask which I just wanted to try – I didn’t know beforehand if it would work.

I simply tried it and the results were worth it. So I wanted to share it here with you.

How to make the Apple peel + Tomato Face mask?

Here’s how I did it. As I said, I collected the peel of one red apple in a small bowl. I chose one small plum sized tomato – note that the tomato is from our garden and is totally fresh, chemical free and organic – love it!

I put the apple peel and the small tomato into the small mixer jar and blended it. The mixture was not very paste-like. The tomato blended really well, but the apple peel was not very smooth – but it was totally OK.

I transferred the mixture to a bowl and added one tablespoon of milk to it and then mixed it using my finger.

The consistency will be little watery but the milk will help you with many aspects of skin care:

  1. It will give you a fairer skin.
  2. You will get a smooth and radiant skin.
  3. Milk is a good cleanser, so you will get a cleaner skin.
  4. Milk will also shrink your pores.
  5. Milk is a good moisturizer.

Optional items you could add to this mask


– of course! I’m a BIG fan of using honey for skin. And in this mask, adding honey will make the consistency a little smoother and thicker so it will be easier for you to apply on face. And honey will avoid milk from dripping too.

The second optional addition is olive oil. But I personally don’t like adding milk and olive oil simultaneously to a mask. So I’d personally use any one of the two.

The third optional ingredient is rose water. This gives an amazing cooling effect. Rosewater also soothes your skin. If you’ve had a tiring day, adding rosewater to this mask will help you relax and will give a nice cooling effect to your skin.

How I used the mask?

I applied the mask on my face, neck, forearms, and feet and sat with a book for about 20 minutes. I did this before my evening shower because this gives me ample time to relax and make the most out of my time.

While I treat my skin with something I also want to relax in the process 🙂 Pretty reasonable, right?

After 20 minutes of waiting time, I just washed myself in the shower with soap. Yes, you need to use soap because you are applying stuff like milk and tomato on your skin.

These, if left on the skin can go bad and encourage skin problems. If it is just olive oil I won’t use soap. I hope you got the point.

How did I feel after the using this face mask?

My skin had a significant change! Otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this post, right? The day before applying this mask I spent a lot of time in the sun and had a darkened complexion (due to the sun).

And, this mask helped me to bring back my complexion, made my skin really soft and shiny.

Try it out for yourself and let me know!

This post was last modified on May 16, 2020 3:32 PM

Jane Sheeba: I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm the Associate Editor at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.
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