How to Make Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizer?

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In today’s world, pollution is the biggest threat to our life and with the pollution comes the allergies, asthma, and other health related problems.

And due to certain common mal practices we tend to spread the viruses and bacteria very easily through our hand.

Many of us do not even wash our hands after before we eat, or after we sneeze.

This can certainly spread the viruses present in our hands to another person or the bacteria can get into our stomach while we eat.

To make sure these does not happen, you need to wash your hands properly before you eat something or drink something.

Since, it is really difficult to have an access to soap and water every time you eat, having a hand sanitizer can really help you stay clean and germ free.

Why do you need homemade hand sanitizers?

Well, the commercial hand sanitizers might work for you so as to remove the germs from your hand but there are a few drawbacks too.

  1. It can certainly harm your immune system and kill all the good bacteria which will eventually leave your body unguarded against the bacterial attack.
  2. Most of the commercial hand sanitizers include triclosan as a compound which can be really toxic to human body. It can actually affect brain and muscle functions in the long run.
  3. Parabens is another chemical compound found in the commercial hand sanitizers which can cause endocrine disruptions, cancer, skin irritation, and neurotoxicity.
  4. Normally, these hand sanitizers add some sort of chemical to have the desired fragrance. But the problem is you do not get to know what kind of chemical is used to get that kind of fragrance, which can be really problematic for your skin related issues in the long run.

Now that you know that there are harmful chemicals included in your hand sanitizers that you use on a daily basis, multiple times a day actually, would you be still using them?

Even if you minimize the use of hand sanitizers to some extent, what about the kids?

How you are going to keep them safe from these chemicals and yet allowing them a germ free hand every time they eat food?

Well, the best solution will be to use regular soap water to clean hands on regular intervals.

But while your kids are at the school or you are in no position to have soap-water, you can actually use homemade hand sanitizers.

Since all the ingredients used in homemade hand sanitizers are natural, not only adults but also kids can use them as, and when they require.

So, are you ready to make your first hand sanitizer at home?

Well, all you need to do is gather some very common natural ingredients, mix them and you can start using them instantly!

Making Hand Sanitizer at home

Hand sanitizers are not the same for the kids and the adults, especially if you are planning to make them with natural ingredients at your home.

Here is a simple recipe that can surely fulfill the hand sanitizer requirement for your kids.

Sanitizer for Kids

This simple hand sanitizer is completely herbal and it does not make the skin dry at all.

Instead, it can actually nourish the skin because of the use of Aloe Vera gel. It’s really simple to make and does not require a lot of time either.


  1. Aloe Vera Gel: ¼ cup
  2. Essential Oil (Germ Destroyer): 20 drops


Take a bowl and mix all the ingredients and store it in a silicone tube.

Make sure to use the gel as and when required and it will certainly remove germs from your kid’s hands.

Sanitizer for Adults

Normally the chemical hand sanitizers tend to have triclosan which is not so good for the skin.

But if you wish to make a hand sanitizer as strong as the commercial version without the harmful chemical then the following recipe might be a good one for you.

However, remember not to allow your kids to use this strong sanitizer.

Recipe 1


  1. Rubbing alcohol: 1 tbsp
  2. Vegetable glycerin: 1/2 tsp
  3. Aloe Vera Gel: 1/4 cup
  4. Cinnamon Essential Oil: 10 drops
  5. Tea Tree Essential Oil: 10 drops
  6. Distilled water
  7. You can add other essential oils as well to have some scent of your choice.


  1. First mix the vegetable glycerin, aloe vera gel and the rubbing alcohol. Use a small bowl to make the mixture.
  2. Add the tea tree and cinnamon essential oil to the mixture. Now you can add the other essential oils for scent, preferably you can use orange, lavender, peppermint etc.
  3. Mix all the ingredients very well and add distilled water to make it a bit thin. Make sure to add water as much as you need to have the desired thickness.
  4. Do not forget to use a medicine dropper or small funnel while transferring the mixture to the bottle.
  5. Once ready, you can start using it instantly like any commercial hand sanitizer.

Recipe 2


  1. Lavender essential oil: 5-10 drops.
  2. Tea Tree essential oil: 30 drops
  3. Witch Hazel extract: 1 Tablespoon (You can use high-proof vodka instead)
  4. Aloe Vera Gel: 100% pure, use only 8 ounces of it.
  5. Vitamin E oil: ¼ teaspoon


  1. Take a small bowl, mix the essential oils with the vitamin E oil, and mix it well.
  2. Add the vodka or the witch hazel with the mixture.
  3. Add Aloe Vera gel with this mixture.
  4. Put the mixture in small and clean bottles. Try and choose colored bottles so as to prevent the essential oils from getting exposed to sunlight. Remember to shake the mixture gently before you use.

Important Note

While using essential oils for the kid’s hand sanitizer make sure to check with the doctor whether it’s safe to use or not.

This post was last modified on May 24, 2019 10:48 AM

Jane Sheeba: I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm the Associate Editor at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.
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