How to improve the quality of indoor air naturally?

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Air pollution is not something significant in outdoors alone. Contamination of air happens inside the house, office or other buildings as well.

Low air quality in the house leads to poor health.

Poor quality of indoor air may be due to house dust, volatile chemicals, heating or fragrances used by cleaners.

New furniture, carpets, paints on the wall, dirty shoes are a few of the conventional reasons for indoor air pollution.

Poor quality of air invites various lung diseases like asthma, bronchitis, and cancer. Children and seniors are the most affected by the contaminated air.

Nowadays, air sprays with various flavors are available in the market to add fragrance your house. However, the fragrances are dangerous to health.

It is important to purify the air quality using various natural procedures. Before applying these techniques, you need to check how bad the indoor pollution is!

With a variety of low-cost equipment available in the online market, you can do some indoor air-testing.

Once you have done the test, it is time to try some of the below tips to clean the air in your house and office;

10 Tips to clean the indoor air quality

#1 Ventilate your house

Ventilation is the most significant way to keep the indoors airy and fresh. Airflow removes stagnant air and refreshes the interior.

Opening all windows and doors for healthy airflow is important.

If you are living in a crowded city where outdoor air is toxic and unhealthy, you can use vents to rejuvenate your house.

Installing an air purifier is also a healthy option to keep the interiors fresh and clean.

#2 Make your house smoke free

Smoking inside the house is the major cause of indoor air pollution. Tobacco smoke is highly toxic and contaminates the interiors.

Moreover, smoke is hazardous to the respiratory system as well. In case you cannot stay away from smoking, change your habits and try smoking in outdoors only.

If there is a lack of ventilation, tobacco smoking can make it difficult to stay inside the house.

#3 Keep your house clean

Dust accumulation is the basic reason for bad quality indoor air. This also leads to dust mites that get into the fabrics of sofa, curtain, bedding, and cushions.

Dust mites cause irritation and allergy. Mopping and vacuuming your house every day with soap and water keeps the germs at par.

Put a doormat on the door so that people wipe their shoes before entering the house. Additionally, throw out old and torn carpets that are unpleasant for the house.

#4 Flavor the indoors with essential oil

Essential oils reduce bad odor and fragrances your house. Oils like lavender, rosemary, pine have soothing flavors that refresh the house.

Many essential oils impart anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties in the house.

You may use diffusers to fragrant the house from time to time.

The scent not only purifies the house, but leaves you relaxing in a soothing atmosphere.

#5 Pot indoor plants

Indoor plants are the best friend of your house. The plants filter polluted air and leave the indoors oxygenated and fresh.

Moreover, they add beauty to the interiors as well. The indoor plants are easy to grow and require less maintenance.

They inhale all the toxins and harmful chemicals from the air and cool the indoor climate.

Plants like aloe vera, Gerber daisies, Chinese evergreens are a few of the best low maintained indoor plants.

#6 Humidity control

High humidity inside the house leads to the formation of molds.

Humidity and moisture content in the air is highly crucial and leads to a conducive environment.

The growth of molds not only makes the air suffocating, but it also damages the house furniture and electrical equipment.

Use a good quality dehumidifier to keep the interior moisture-free.

#7 Test for radon

Radon cannot be felt or smelled. They are the main reason for increasing rates of lung cancer. Houses that have asbestos are home to radon.

Radon is the result of decaying uranium in the soil. These are the harmful gas that emits on granite countertops and various places in the house.

Radon problems can exist in any house. Either new or old, airtight houses, houses with a basement may have radon problems.

Testing your house for radon is inexpensive and easy. Radon problems can be solved by following the Consumer’s guide to radon protection.

#8 Clean the AC and coolers

Air conditioners and coolers are great equipment to increase the flow of air in the house. They make the environment soothing and livable.

Air conditioners dry the air inside the house and ventilate stagnant air. Use a vacuum cleaner regularly to clean the air filters in the AC.

Removing dust particles and pollens from the filters induces the free flow of fresh air inside the house.

#9 Choose your furniture accordingly

Furniture made of wrought iron or plastic continue to release toxins in the house.

Furniture that is fixed using strong glue is also a major cause of contamination.

Choose your furniture that is light and is not treated with harmful chemicals.

Paints used to beautify the furniture are also harmful to your health.

#10 Avoid using harmful chemicals

People use aerosol sprays and random cleaning agents that are highly toxic in nature.

The synthetic cleaners are made of heavy chemicals like ammonia and bleach.

They are toxic in nature and emit harmful gases.

It is always safe to use mild organic cleaners which have safety certificates. Some air fresheners are also harmful to health.

They contain phthalates, and some are petroleum-based as well.

Avoid using volatile organic compounds such as Benzene, Methylene chloride, Acetone, etc. inside the house


The above-listed methods are a few of the examples by which one can keep the house clean.

You must take extra care to the indoors clean for maintaining your family’s health.

Use eco-friendly cleaning agents to keep your house clean and emit the dust particles.

Good quality air in the house leaves you with the soothing and relaxing mind. A healthy body is the generator of a healthy mind.

This post was last modified on June 17, 2019 10:23 AM

Jane Sheeba: I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm the Associate Editor at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.
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