How to Make Ghee (Clarified Butter) At Home?

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Ghee is known to be one of the most important cooking ingredients in India.

Although many people will love to call it similar to clarified butter, the truth is, it’s not at all the same.

Clarified butter can be easily prepared by heating butter and removing the whey whereas to have ghee, you need to cook further until the milk solids are not brown.

According to some expert, this adds some nutty flavor to the ghee.

How does it taste?

Since ghee is made out of butter, it’s evident that it will definitely have the flavor of butter to some extent.

But the truth is, it does taste a bit different from butter, especially if you are talking about the ghee available in the market.

The flavor and taste may vary depending on the brand.

However, by preparing ghee at home, you can have ghee that will have a nutty taste and you can enjoy the flavor while you use it with different dishes.

How you can use ghee?

Well, you can use ghee for making any type of stir-frys, use them on sweet potato, roasted vegetables, steamed vegetables, even on eggs.

If you wish to buy ghee from the store, it’s quite expensive but if you can make it at home, you can keep using it like you use butter.

The added benefit is that you do not have to store it in a refrigerator, easy to use even if you keep it in room temperature, you can pack it and carry it with you while traveling as well.

In case you have never had ghee in your life, it’s time that you start making some at home and try using it in cooking food.

It can make food truly delicious.

Benefits of having pure ghee

Although the basic ingredient required for making ghee is butter, making pure ghee out of butter is really a difficult job.

You will need quite a few things that may not be available to you for regular use.

But due to the fact that pure ghee has loads of benefits and you cannot get pure ghee in the market, it’s better to prepare ghee at home if possible.

  • Ghee does not contain casein and lactose, so people who cannot common milk products because of lactose intolerance can have ghee without any issue.
  • It is a proven fact that having ghee on regular basis can increase your appetite; help you get better health and help you in weight loss as well.
  • Pure Ghee contains Vitamin A,
    Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K which can reduce inflammation and help you stay healthy in many ways.
  • Due to the presence of CLA and fatty acids, ghee can be helpful in losing weight but you have to remember that having saturated fat for a longer period of time can cause problems to your health. So, you can have ghee but you have to be careful about the amount of ghee that you consume.
  • In the earlier times, ghee was a common ingredient of Ayurvedic medicines meant for curing burns and blisters. In other words, it can heal your skin.
  • Apart from these, ghee has other benefits as well, like ghee does not burn, it does not release harmful radicals when heated like other oils, etc.

Making of Ghee at home

To make ghee at home, you will need to buy butter. You can use any butter you want, but unsalted high-quality butter is what an expert will recommend.

Step 1:

Take a saucepan. Put the butter in it and heat it in an oven. Try to piece the butter to melt it faster and you can start with medium-low heat.

Step 2:

Once the butter is completely melted, it will start to form bubbles and tend to separate as well.

In case this is the first time you are heating butter in an oven, there is nothing to worry. It’s the whey of butter that tends to surface when you heat it.

You need to take that whey off the butter.

You can actually use this whey later to feed your animals or you can even use it for your mashed potato if you want. Tastes really good!

Step 3:

Keep heating the butter until it gets clear and the milk solid sinks at the bottom of your saucepan.

The butter is now clarified and there should milk solid at the bottom of your saucepan.

You need to keep cooking it until the milk solid is brown and you have your ghee.

In case this is your first time, make sure to turn off the oven before it burns.

If you can do it properly, you will have a nice butterscotch sort of flavor.

Step 4:

Once you are done with the heating, now you need to cool the ghee and strain it through butter muslin, coffee filter, cheesecloth or a tea towel.

This does not add anything to the ghee that you have made but will make sure there are no milk proteins left in the ghee.

Now you can put the ghee in room temperature and store in a covered jar.

Note: While pouring the ghee in a jar make sure that you do not mix the milk solid at the bottom of your pan with the ghee. In case you do not have proper items to strain it, you can put the ghee in a refrigerator to keep it fresh and nice.

So, now that you are done with making ghee, it’s quite evident that you will love to use it in your daily food making and as a topping as well.

Once you realize that ghee can make your food amazing, you are sure to opt for making ghee at home on a regular basis.

But make sure to remember one or two things while making ghee at home.

It’s really tricky to make ghee at home and takes a lot of time.

Do not cook it in a hurry or you may burn it and the hard work will be wasted. So, good luck in making your first ghee!

This post was last modified on May 24, 2019 10:48 AM

Jane Sheeba: I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm the Associate Editor at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.
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