Homemade sugar scrub recipe and its uses

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Homemade sugar scrub is something that is integral part of my skin care routine. I love sugar scrubs for the fact that they exfoliate the skin as well as keep it soft and supple.

But the commercial scrubs are quite expensive. If you are someone who uses the sugar scrub on hands and legs apart from face, the cost can easily add up!

In addition, as always, I don’t like to put harsh chemicals or unknown, strange products on to my skin.

If I make my own sugar scrub using the natural ingredients available at home, I can save money and save my skin too.

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OK, let’s get to the recipe, which is quite simple by the way.

Homemade sugar scrub ingredients and recipe

You don’t need a ton of ingredients to make this sugar scrub. All you need is two ingredients to make the basic version. Yes, 2.

  1. Brown sugar (white sugar works fine too) – get it here or here.
  2. Olive oil (or coconut oil) – get it here or here.
  3. A jar to mix and store

That’s it really.

Take 1 cup of brown sugar in a bowl (preferably glass or porcelain – and certainly avoid plastic). Add 1 cup of olive oil to it and give it a good mix with a spoon.

Once the two ingredients have mixed well, transfer the scrub to a jar of your choice. I prefer a glass jar for this purpose.

The shelf life of this scrub depends on the shelf life of your oil. If your oil goes rancid you should not use the scrub apparently.

I store my scrub in the fridge – so that gives me enough time to use it all up before I make my next batch.

I personally prefer brown sugar. But white sugar also works just fine. Similarly Olive oil is my personal preference. I also use coconut oil alternating between the batches.

DIY sugar scrub variations

Of course this is the very basic recipe. You might add some additional flavours and features by adding in a few types of ingredients.

For instance, you could add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to get the flavour you want. If it is lavender, go for the Lavender essential oil.

Other variations include rose, lemon, mint and sandalwood.

If you are going to make a very small batch that you’d use in a day or two, you can add a few drops of lemon to the scrub. This will act as a bleach and will lighten your spots.

How to use the homemade sugar scrub you just made?

I usually use it just before the shower. Wet your face (and hands and leg if you are going to use the scrub over). Take as much scrub your require and apply over your skin.

Gently rub the scrub over your skin in circular motions to help the scrub do its exfoliation. Don’t be too harsh, that’s not required.

Leave the scrub on your skin for up to 5 minutes if you can and then wash off with a mild soap.

Note: Your bath tub or your bathroom (with tiles) could get slippery if you wash off your scrub there regularly. This is due to the oil.

So make sure you wash it off as close to the drain as possible. Also sprinkle some baking soda on the floor – this could act as a natural scrub to your feet as well as remove the slippery layer from your floor.

What are the uses of the homemade sugar scrub recipe?

Well there are many! Like any other scrub, this scrub helps exfoliate your skin.

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It helps take away the dead cells and dirt off your skin. A store bought scrub would also do the same thing. But it will leave your skin dry and lacking vitamins and natural oils.

The homemade sugar scrub is gentle on your skin, yet effective to remove the dirt and dead cells.

The olive oil makes sure that your skin doesn’t get too irritated with the scrub and leaves it moisturised and supple.

I love how my skin feels after using the scrub. It’s just awesome!

So what’s stopping you from making your own homemade sugar scrub?

This post was last modified on May 16, 2020 3:33 PM

Jane Sheeba: I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm the Associate Editor at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.
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