Facial after-care – the DO’s and DON’Ts

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Putting on makeup isn’t enough if you want to look beautiful.

Beauty comes from within and you need to feel good about yourself if you want to look beautiful.

That is what facials do. They make you feel fresh, relaxed, and pampered. That’s not all.

Facials do, in fact, improve your skin tone and texture.

It cleanses and moisturizes your skin and helps fight the effect of pollution, sun, wind, and cold.

When done by a professional, it promotes collagen production, delays the
onset of ageing, removes blackheads, and gives your skin a lasting glow.

That being said, professional facial treatments are costly.

Thus, it is important that you care for your skin post treatment so that the effects of the treatment last long.

It will also help avoid any adverse effects after a facial.

After facial care – the DO’s

Here is a list of things that you should do after you have had your facial:

Stay protected

Your skin becomes sensitive after a facial. So, it is best to keep it protected.

Use a sunscreen with a high SPF (preferably SPF 50) to ensure that the strong rays of the sun don’t affect it.

You can use a hat for additional protection.

Drink plenty of water

Facials open up the skin pores to release body toxins. That is why, it is best to drink sufficient amount of water to allow the skin to cleanse the toxins.

Staying hydrated is also key to maintaining that facial glow.

Use a moisturizer

Although the professional will moisturize your skin, you shouldn’t let your skin survive on that alone.

Use a good moisturizer for a couple of days after the treatment to keep your skin hydrated.

Stay away from dirty things

From handkerchiefs to pillow covers, anything that comes in contact with your face must be clean.

This is because facials leave the pores open and skin sensitive and dirt and grime can cause infections.

Dab, don’t rub

As already mentioned, the skin is usually sensitive after a facial and it can get hurt if it is rubbed.

That is why, it is best that you pat your skin dry or dab facial products, instead of rubbing them on the skin.

Go light on makeup

Even if you feel tempted to hide the redness of your skin with a concealer, don’t do it. It is best not to use any makeup for at least 24 hours.

The skin pores are too open after a facial and chemicals in the makeup product may clog them or cause irritation.

Moreover, there are more chances of a bacterial infection from using old makeup.

After facial care – the DON’Ts

Well, there is a long list of things that you should avoid doing after a facial and make sure that you follow all of them.

Post facial massage is a big no

A massage after a facial isn’t a good idea.

Not only is a facial massage a big no, you should avoid getting a body massage in a traditional table after your facial.

Your face may rub against the hard table and that can be serious. It is best that you opt for a body massage before your facial.

Postpone washing your face

Never ever think of washing your face as soon as you get home.

The products used by the professional have not yet been absorbed by your skin completely.

Washing your face will wash off all the products and you will not get as much benefit from them as you should.

Avoid exfoliation

Your facial includes thorough exfoliation which leaves the skin sensitive and open.

Any further exfoliation is not only useless, but may damage your skin or cause infections.

Allow it at least 5-7 days to heal.

Do not pick your skin

Do not touch your skin after a facial. While this is true at all times, it becomes more important after a facial as the skin is sensitive.

Try to pick a blackhead or whitehead after a facial can cause scarring and affect the way you look.

Do not workout

Avoid sweating as much as possible after a facial. The sweat can cause burns on your freshly treated face.

Moreover, gym equipment being used by a number of people can harbor germs that cause infections.

No steam rooms or saunas

Heated rooms are no place for a face that has been peeled and exfoliated.

The heat may lead to skin irritation, redness, broken capillaries, and also sweat burns.

Avoid going to the sauna for at least a day or two.

Do not use a toner

Toners contain astringents or exfoliants. Moreover, they may be alcohol-based.

All of these ingredients can dry off your skin even more and cause redness and irritation.

It is best to avoid using it for a few days because the expert has already restored skin balance during the facial.

Avoid home treatments

If you use face masks, acne creams, and other such products, steer clear of them after a facial.

Make sure that anything that contains salicylic acid, retinol, exfoliants, skin brighteners, etc. is avoided for at least a week after your facial.

Say no to hair removal

Your skin is already sensitive and hair removal will irritate it all the more.

It can cause redness, swelling, blotches, and even scarring. So, stay away from hair removal for a week at least a week.

Avoid sunbaths and sunbeds

Do not expose your just uncovered skin cells to the harmful rays of the sun.

Ditch any idea of a day pool party, beach outing, or any activity that is directly under the sun.

Your skin will be happy.


Facials are a great way to cleanse and rejuvenate your face.

That being said, proper after care is important if you want to avoid infections, scarring, redness, and other skin issues.

It is very simple, but can go a long way in ensuring that you enjoy the benefits of a facial for more than 4-6 weeks.

Your aesthetician can also help you with the necessary after-care routine.

This post was last modified on October 25, 2019 4:50 PM

Jane Sheeba: I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm the Associate Editor at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.
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