10 Awesome benefits of Epsom salt you may not know about!

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Epsom salt is something you probably know as a part of bath salts.

However you probably don’t know about how useful this salt can be in daily lives and how it can perform many different functions.

The small crystals when soaked in warm bath water make for a soothing bathing experience.

These crystals which are basically a compound of magnesium sulphate and can have a wide variety of uses.

The benefits of Epsom salt are plenty and this article aims to elaborate on those and give you a comprehensive idea about how you can use Epsom salt in everyday life.

Epsom salt for bathing and relaxation

Bathing, the most commonly known use of this salt is indeed a very pertinent one.

Epsom salt is absorbed by the skin very easily during the bath. It then helps the body de-stress.

After a bath with this amazing, soothing salt, you will feel refreshed and energized.

There are several health benefits of Epsom salt too. These include relaxation of muscle tensions and relief from pain.

Headaches, cramps and even sore feet can be cured with Epsom salt baths.

Blood sugar and constipation

Epsom salt intake helps produce insulin. Insulin is needed for the controlling of diabetes and overall regulation of blood sugar.

It can also help in dealing with constipation. To help with constipation, one spoon dissolved in warm water should be consumed once a day.

Health benefits are among the many benefits of Epsom salt.

Detoxing of the body is a characteristic thing that happens with the intake of Epsom salt

Dealing with those painful splinters

Splinters are sometimes terribly difficult to remove and can make you go through an undue amount of pain. Epsom salt can provide an easy cure.

Make a concentrated solution of the salt and water and soak the affected area in that.

The swelling will decrease and the splinter will come out very easily.

For gardening

The uses of this salt in the garden are plenty. Raccoons and slugs are there in many gardens to give the owner a hard time on a daily basis.

Epsom salt should help you out in this case. Raccoons cannot tolerate the smell and hence stay away when you sprinkle some around the waste bins.

Always sprinkle again after the rains have gone away. The slugs too, stay away on account of Epsom salt.

Add around two tablespoons of Epsom salt to one gallon of water and spray your garden with it.

You’ll get greener grass.

Even vegetables like tomatoes and other grow well after Epsom salt mixtures have been applied to the roots of the plants.

Facial wash and foot scrub

For an enhanced beauty regime, Epsom salt can be very useful and cheap.

A magnesium boost can be highly beneficial for the skin and the compound magnesium sulphate gives just that.

A pinch of Epsom salt added to a regular face cleanser can to the trick.

For foot scrubs, you can make a homemade foot scrub with Epsom salt, olive oil, liquid soap and essential oils.

This can be a quick and cheap remedy for cracked soles.

You can also soak your tired soles in a concentrated solution of Epsom salt and hot water to rejuvenate the skin.

Cleaning bathroom tiles and cleaning pots and pans

The bathroom and the kitchen see the maximum amount of struggling when it comes to cleaning.

A mixture of liquid dish soap and the salt can help clean your bathroom tiles effortlessly.

Using it as a scrub in the kitchen while scrubbing pots and pans will help remove stains and food bits easily.

For healthy and happy hair

A lot of people are not aware of how to use Epsom salt for better hair. Oily hair can be sticky and can attract even more dirt.

Use a mixture of the salt and shampoo and bid goodbye to oily hair problems. Does your hair feel flat and you wish it would be more bouncy?

The salt can also add a lot of volume to your hair. Mix it with deep conditioners and warm water.

Then apply it and leave it in your hair for some time before rinsing it off.

You’ll see how much extra volume your hair boasts of after that.

Relief from itchy skin due to bug bites and sun burns

A concoction of the salt and cool water can help provide relief from itchy bug bites. This same mixture can be used for minor sunburns too.

A cold compress in the case of itchy skin afterwards should help too.

Mosquito bites that you feel like scratching all the time and bee stings can be relieved with the use of some of this awesome salt.

Better sleep for children and smooth skin

You are not the only one who will reap the benefits of Epsom salt.

You children can use it in their bath before going to bed for sound and peaceful sleep.

Smooth skin can be an added benefit for both you and your children.

Mixed with some olive oil or scrub, this salt can give very smooth lovely skin.

Eye health

Epsom salt can even help in combating conjunctivitis. A solution of the salt and warm water should do the trick.

So you see Epsom salt is indeed a one stop solution for many problems. It is for this reason that you should consider storing some at your house at all times.

From gardening and the soil, to your beauty regimes and health concerns, Epsom salt can help you in a variety of ways.

Quick cheap alternative solutions can be found with some this salt when you do not have the necessary solutions with you.

You just have to know the salt well and use it regularly to reap the benefits of this multipurpose salt.

Many use it for conventional bathing but do not actually know about the huge list of benefits of Epsom salt.

Hope I have highlighted some other uses of the salt in this post!

This post was last modified on June 17, 2019 10:21 AM

Jane Sheeba: I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm the Associate Editor at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.
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