How to cover your gray hair smartly when you are extremely busy?

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Well well there you’ve got a gray hair. Its not the end of the world, right?

But it might seem so for you. It could be a lot depressing. And it totally depends on how perceive grey hair.

For some, it could be the end of the world – it could be that it gives a feeling that they are ageing very soon.

For others it could be nothing. It could even be a fashion look.

Nevertheless, if you think your grey hair spoils your look you are not alone.

In fact, grey hair can really put you off. No matter how great your dress and make up is, your grey hair can just spoil your looks and make you look older than you actually are.

People might fail to notice your skin tone, your accessories, your dress and your make up just because you have a few strands of gray hair in an oh-so obvious angle!

The solution? To colour or dye your hair. And is that an easy peasy solution? NOT AT ALL.

It takes a lot of patience AND commitment to step on to such a thing.

Whether you do it at home or in a salon, you need to spend a dedicated amount of time on that.

You have to schedule your parlour visits and make sure those don’t cross lines with your other appointments.

You should also make sure your parlour visits fit in before your grey hair begins to show up again.

And the commitment. Once you step on, there is no going back.

When you start to appear in parties or other occasions with your hair fully coloured or dyed, then it is almost impossible to let your gray hair show up again.

So that’s a serious commitment that you have to keep up with!

Right, so I am not trying to scare you here. Rather I am going to give you a quick tip!

You want to do it quick – because you don’t have the time. Here you go.

1. Use your mascara

Yes you heard me! This tip works like a charm.

But don’t expect it to give you a permanent hair colour. Let’s be realistic.

This works like a quick fix. Especially if you just have a few strands of hair in the prominent places you can make it work.

Using mascara on your hair will only last until the next shampoo wash – I guess that’s totally understandable.

But it will keep you covered on quick occasions or when your next parlour visit is something you can’t commit to immediately.

Here are the DON’Ts!

Do not try to apply mascara when you are fully ready for your party or day out. You could mess things up and end up with black colour in your hairline, or your precious dress or in your hands.

But it is not that messy either. A good quality mascara will have a good quality brush too and it will dry up really fast.

Preferably on the day before the occasion, or just after you’ve had a shampoo wash (after drying your hair, of course), apply mascara.

Stand in front of the mirror in a well lit place and cover up your strands very carefully.

You don’t have to try and cover up those on the back of your head, because this tip won’t work for you if that’s the case.

This will only work if you have very little gray hair that too, preferably on the front.

Once you have done the cover up, let it dry for about 5 minutes and then comb your hair.

By this time, the mascara would have dried up leaving your hair sticky and hard. Combing helps with that and also to help spread the mascara even more uniformly.

Once you are happy tie up your hair. If you are not happy, repeat it after a few minutes.

And while you get ready for the occasion, just style your hair – do not repeat the mascara exercise in the last moment.

If your mascara is waterproof (I really hope so!), you need not worry about sweat or a few drops of rain.

But the colour will go away when you wash your hair with shampoo! But that’s OK, isn’t?

2. Lipstick

A dark brown matte lipstick with no shimmer or shine will work too.

Just that the colour of your hair won’t be pure black. But it will give a good coverage on the greys.

Again, be careful with application and do not attempt last minute application.

3. Kajal or liquid eyeliner

Just like your mascara, your liquid eyeliner can also be used for a quick coverage. Just make sure you carefully apply as this can be drippy unlike the mascara.

Also this might not dry out as fast as the mascara! So you might want to wait patiently for a few minutes before combing or putting your hand on your hair.

There you go! Fast, quick but temporary coverage for your gray hair that works!

This post was last modified on June 17, 2019 10:22 AM

Jane Sheeba: I am Jane. I am a Kindle Author. I'm A YouTuber. I'm the Associate Editor at Knit India Magazine. Don't forget to check out my other websites: Do Splash and Banking Minutes.
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